Sagebrite Peer Community

> Graphics Arts Production
> Video Production
> Website design & development
> Wireframe & production documentation
> Prototyping
> Slide presentations


Sagebrite was a non-profit online peer supported networking community for the 45+ cohort seeking to connect, engage, and empower others in new career opportunities or new businesses. Whether you are looking for work, changing careers, or starting an enterprise, our members (or “Sages”) connect through Sagebrite and meet one-on-one to share ideas, contacts and experiences. Develop materials and concepts for an assessment instrument designed for use by HR and marketing professionals.


Sagebrite was born from a hiatus from the digital media world a few years back to study vocational counselling. As a practice leader and hiring manager in the tech world, I started to take a big interest in the career direction of my team members. It came out of necessity when staffers were looking for more opportunities to advance and trying to find a more objective and constructive approach to doing performance reviews. This knowledge of the employment counselling world would be fused with a technology background to develop a non-profit organization to help people build their careers better through networking. As such, a number of digital products were created. A fully developed web presence, slide presentations, wireframe documents, many 2D digital videos and a video example outlining a wireframe prototype.


A. Sagebrite Wireframe Prototype